A. Plant
B. Firm
C. Factory
D. None
Agriculture MCQs

Agriculture MCQs for Test Preparation. These Agriculture MCQs are the most repeated mcqs and very important for all type of exams organized by FPSC, PPSC, KPSC, SPSC, BPSC, NTS, PTS, OTS, UTS, CTS, ITS and other testing agencies of Pakistan. Most important FPSC MCQs, PPSC MCQs, KPSC MCQs, SPSC MCQs, BPSC MCQs, NTS MCQs, PTS MCQs, OTS MCQs, UTS MCQs, CTS MCQs, ITS MCQs and other MCQs for test preparation in Pakistan.
A. Ceiling price
B. Floor price
C. Max price
D. None
June 1, 2022
A. Money market
B. International market
C. Foreign exchange market
D. All of these
June 1, 2022
A. Net income
B. Gross income
C. Saving
D. None of these
June 1, 2022
D. None of these
June 1, 2022
A. Lewis
B. Rostow
C. Keynes
D. Adam Smith
June 1, 2022
A. Induction
B. Deduction
C. Specification
D. None
June 1, 2022
A. theoretical economics
B. Economics analysis
C. Both A. and B.
D. None of these
June 1, 2022
A. Public sector
B. Private sector
C. Govt sector
D. None
June 1, 2022
A. Efficiency
B. Production
C. Productivity
D. None
June 1, 2022